Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Rich Folks

Suppertime tonight took me back about 20 years.  Growing up, we weren't dirt poor but we certainly didn't throw money around either.  All of us certainly appreciate and value a hard earned dollar.  No matter how difficult times may have been growing up, though, we always had a freezer full of home grown beef.  I grew up thinking it was normal to have steak once a week.  (Scratch that.  I still think it is normal to have steak at least once a week.)

We would sit down to a huge supper that was absolutely fit for a king - steak, mashed potatoes, green beans, scalloped potatoes, rolls..... my mouth waters just thinking about it.

I remember that I would get so excited when we sat down to supper.  We would bow our heads, say the prayer and then wait for IT.  Every time we'd have such a feast my dad would smugly say, "I wonder what the rich folks are eating for supper tonight."  We always knew we had them beat by a mile.

I can't wait to say the same thing to Kenyon and watch over the years as he comes to understand it.  This evening I made beef tenderloin, mashed potatoes and broccoli with a cheese sauce.  As we sat down to eat I made sure to wonder aloud what the rich folks were eating for supper tonight.  As always, we had them beat by a mile.

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Just like mama said... If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.