Friday, March 20, 2020

Changes to Everything... and Nothing

Life seems a bit surreal at the moment, doesn't it?  I read the news about this pandemic and my chest tightens and I feel anxious and then I finally must shut off the television, shut off the computer and shut off my phone.  You can make yourself crazy and overwhelmed with all the madness.

Then I look out the window to our reality.

The grass is greening up.

Flowers are sprouting up.

Baby calves are being born.

Feed pickups still run feed routes.

Our kids are filthy muddy from playing outside.

We still drive down to skip rocks in the creek.

The wind still howls over the hills.

The laundry is still here.

The sun still rises.

We still make our beds every morning.

We still say our prayers every night before bed.

So yes, in some ways everything has changed.  In some ways, nothing has.