Wednesday, April 24, 2019


I attended a media training several weeks ago and during this training we were asked to set goals.  One of my goals (which I obviously did NOT follow through with) was to create at least one blog post per week.

"Is that possible? Do you have enough content for something like that?" the session leader asked.

"Buddy, we have content.  It's the time I don't have." I replied.

So, without further ado, here's a bit of the content that I should have been posting weekly for, ahem, sevvvvveral weeks now.

We've been checking baby calves in the evenings.

Delivering eggs to great grandma.

Pulling over while driving to snap a few pics here and there.

We've been building workbenches. 

Stealing sweet feed from our horse.

Acting so dejected when I wouldn't let her up on the swingset to help me screw in boards. 

We've been having our annual heart checkups (still all good!). 

Riding roping dummies at night.

Burning, burning, burning. 

On the rare evening when it was too windy to burn, we skipped rocks.

We've been miserable with allergies.

As I stained boards on the swingset, the kids wrestled.

We've had shop picnics, car picnics, pasture picnics... you name it and we've eaten there.

We've been cloud watching, bird watching, who-was-in-that-pickup-driving-by watching. The upper deck of the swingset is great for observing life. 

We've been to the zoo...

I nearly died laughing.  She kept telling the tiger "Hiiiiiiii kitty". 

Picnic time with girlfriends.

Going to grass with cattle.

Being insanely cute.  Wispy hair is cute when you're nearly 2.  When you're 32 it's not nearly as endearing.  Same with freckles.  I've given my kids so many 'cute on kids, not on adults' type traits.  

I've been forgetting to utilize the 'action' setting on my camera, clearly. 

And I've been bathing kids.  Quite often, actually. 

It's an exhausting little life, believe me. 
Like I said.  We are most certainly not lacking in content, just time.