Sunday, March 25, 2018

Homemade Jungle Gyms

You play on a jungle gym?  That's cute.  We do too.  Sort of...

We have stock trailers that are great to crawl on (and crawl in if they are free of critters).  

See that large puddle in the bottom right hand corner of this photo?  Not two minutes after I snapped this, John strolled by very nonchalantly, suddenly dropped to the ground and did a somersault and rolled into the edge of this massive puddle.  What the heck, kid.  What. The. Heck. 

We have a balance beam.  True, ours is made of concrete and 24 inches tall, but hey, you learn to keep your balance quicker that way.  

Monkey bars.  You can never have enough monkey bars. 

Large hill?  Check.
Lots of large rocks?  Check. 
Run up and down aforementioned hill as quickly as possible, as many times as possible?  Check. 



...the hill!  TA-DA!

Monday, March 19, 2018

Spring is Coming!

Thank goodness, spring is almost here.  12 hours and counting.  We can make it if we just hold on a little... bit... longer... I will be so relieved to leave this miserable winter behind all of us.  One that should never be repeated.  

Yesterday was one of my favorite days of the year.  The hubs tilled the garden for me and it looks marvelous.  Although I pulled most all of the plants out last fall, I left the hay/mulch on top and it was incredible how much moisture was retained in the garden soil.  It is nothing fancy, just good feedlot manure, but it looks, feels and smells like rich, fertile garden soil should.  Mmmmmmmm. 

Kenyon insisted we all leave handprints in the dirt.  And when your four year old asks you to, you oblige him.  

This picture makes me giggle every time I look at it.  Yesterday afternoon I laid Kathryn down for a nap.  I could hear her crawling around and playing in her crib for the first several minutes, and then there was a terrible shriek and cry for a few minutes.  When it didn't subside I decided to poke my head in and check on her.  She had pulled herself up but was too scared to let go and sit back down.  Its rough learning all sorts of new things.  And yes, when she woke from her nap I lowered her mattress first thing. 

It is absolutely exhausting just being so cute all the time.  That, and Mom took a very long, very hot, very needed shower right before nap time.  Well, apparently I went to take a shower and it became nap time.  

 This could quite possibly be one of my favorite photos of all time.  Not for its composition, but its content.  John was reading to Kathryn one morning before breakfast.  My heart melts every time I look at it. 

We love to read books.  Seriously.  Have you figured that out yet? 

Even Kathryn is figuring it out rather early.  

When we're not reading books and the wind is NOT blowing 50 miles an hour, we also like to fish in the evenings.  We've not caught anything yet this year but no one seems to mind.  

If it were possible to smother an animal to death with affection this horse would be a goner.  

Happy spring everyone!  Pretty sure that's not a 'thing', but I just made it one.