Thursday, February 11, 2016

It's Been a Blur, and a Brrrrrr

The past few weeks have been a whirlwind.  Actually, I should probably stop saying that because time never really seems to slow and allow us to catch our breath hardly ever anymore.  In addition to all our normal activities - feeding (both cattle and kids), walks to check cattle, cooking and laundry (with my new soap!) I've also taken up the 'hobby' of grant writing.  We'll see in the upcoming weeks and months if anything pans out and our proposals have been accepted.  *Fingers crossed*

I managed to take my camera along on one of our chilly walks last week.  We can handle the cold, but when the wind picks up and blows 30 miles an hour I have no problem dashing down to the grain bins and back to the house and calling our little 300 hundred yard dash our physical activity for the day.

Here's Wes.  Here's Wesley's shadow.
Click to enlarge.  This one just absolutely warms my heart.
When John rides in the stroller on long days he wears a onsie, long pants, two pairs of socks, heavy coat, thermal baby bag (from my childhood), a stocking cap and heavy blanket over the top.  By the time I unwrapped the poor kiddo he was a pile of sweat.  Sweaty except for his cheeks, nose and one eye left out in the elements. 

This is why we can never take him to a professional photographer.  This is what we get when we say 'cheese'.
Definitely not the picture perfect poses I've seen so many children do. 

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Just like mama said... If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.