Monday, August 24, 2015

How to wear out your toddler in approximately 8,700 easy steps.

Step 1:
When you leave the house for your morning constitutional and your two year old decides they would rather walk than ride in the stroller, simply answer back, "Okie dokey."

Step 2 through 8,699:
Walk down the road, down the hill, across the bridge, throw some sticks in the water, up the hill, walk though the hay yard, down another hill, to the silo, up a road, play in the silage, play in the mud, check out the tractor, check out the bull dozer, walk through another hay yard, back up a hill, down another hill, back across a bridge, down the road, up another hill, through two sheds, across Grandma Curry's porch, by the tire swing, up the road, back down the road to talk to Grandpa, back up the road, up the driveway, into the house and onto the floor.  

Our path looked sort of like this:

If I had a nickel for every time I heard, "C'mon, Mom.  Hurry up!" I could retire comfortably in a beachy environment.
He discovered how fun shadows are this morning.
In addition to the 8.700 steps, he also squatted with his shadow approximately 20 times. 
Going, going.....

T.O.N. (Time of Nap): 11:23am

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Just like mama said... If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.