Friday, January 23, 2015

The No-No Monster

I may have done tooooo good a job of parenting.  (Insert hardy laughter here.)  Kenyon now likes to walk around the house and constantly critique me and my housekeeping skills.  I like to think that I set the bar low intentionally just to keep him constantly occupied.  (Again, insert a mild chuckle here.  Don't worry, I'll wait.)

He helps me take out the trash.  I take the filled grocery sacks out of the trash cans, tie them up and hand them to Kenyon, who then drags them to the back door.  Now, every time he sees a nearly-full can he shouts "NO-NO!" and proceeds to pull the sack out of the trashcan.  Because obviously his mother was too lazy to take out the trash in a timely manner.

If he dribbles milk out of his sippy cup he immediately shouts "NO-NO" and waits for me to bring him a paper towel so he can wipe up the mess.  I was getting ready in the bathroom this morning when I heard him knock knock on the door.  (Not only does he knock knock, but he also verbalizes this, because he knows his mother is slow.)  When I opened the door I found my little shirtless man in a tizzy because he had dribbled milk onto his belly and it needed wiped up rightthisminute.

Kenyon has now taken to pacing back and forth in the kitchen, looking for any signs of dirt or manure that may have fallen off his dad's boots.  He will then stand at attention, pointing as well as any bird dog and shout "NO-NO!" until his mother brings a broom and dustpan to sweep up the offending specks.

If you think your house is spotless, don't worry, I'll lend you a one year old for an afternoon.  He'll bash your ego until you feel one step below a caveman.

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Just like mama said... If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.