Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Don't take that like I said that... Got that?

My train of thought is less like a continuous string of logical, followable ideas and more like fleeting, random strokes of genius.  At least that's what I tell myself. 

I have learned over the years that if I do not immediately state what is in my head when it appears then this little tidbit of genius will be lost to all posterity and therefore I must verbally spurt it out, usually at a very inconvenient or inappropriate time. 

Case in point:
Sunday, Wesley and I went down to visit my folks.  We were saying our goodbyes, which this time happened to be a rather somber occasion.  We were all standing around, our eyes slightly misty, and my mother said, "Can I come visit you this week?"

Instead of taking two thoughts and placing them in two different sentences with huge pauses inserted for emphasis, my thoughts came out.... "No, and Dad, can I have my pistol back from you?"

For the record, I do not want to shoot my mom.  And a huge thank you to my dad for returning my pistol.  See?  I CAN place two thoughts in two separate sentences!  Practice, practice, practice. 

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Just like mama said... If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.