Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Purse Purge

Every so often I get overtaken by the urge to purge my home of belongings that are weighing me down.  This usually involves mostly small items and paper based products like report cards from 4th grade.  This year, following the holidays, the same urge began to overtake me.  Since I was nearly out of paper goods to purge I decided to take my skills up a notch - the purse pile. 

Don't get me wrong, I am NOT a cutesy person who has a bag to match every outfit.  However, every so often I find something on the clearance aisle at Target or find something moderately attractive at the local Goodwill store.  I'm also big into being gifted hand-me-downs from aunts and mothers (well, my mother).  Apparently, every time I change purses I only clear out the essentials that need to move into the next purse.  Poor Wesley came home one afternoon to find me surrounded by a pile (a fleet? a herd? a murder? I don't know the correct gregarious term for purses) of purses and small, baby stacks of accumulated items. 

* 7 purses

* 19 tampons

* 4 pocket knives

* 2 box cutters

* 1 can of pepper spray (it was the most romantic Valentine's Day gift ever from my mother)

* 11 bobby pins

Also included but not counted: pill cases, toothpicks, gum, hair ties, coupons (unfortunately, expired), old checks, lip gloss, lip balm, and loose change. 

I guess when you look back over my list it appears that I tend to have raging PMS and anger issues, but I assure you that's not the case.  I dare you- clean out your purses and look at your inventory from an outsider's perspective.  Its not pretty but the end result, the purging of clutter, is oh so satisfying.

1 comment:

  1. I don't usually type things like, "lol," but this literally made me laugh out loud, especially the raging PMS and anger issues part.


Just like mama said... If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.