Friday, January 6, 2012

DIY Tips

I don't like to brag, but I'm pretty much becoming an expert at this whole DIY thing and I thought I'd share some helpful tips for those of you who are new to the game. 

1.  Begin very labor intensive projects immediately prior to important events- birthday parties, BBQ's, baby showers.

2.  Begin aforementioned projects in a very conspicuous spot, preferably in front of doors or high-traffic areas.

3.  Never mention to your husband when paint is still wet, or the fact that he can't walk on certain sections of floor that may still need to dry.  It keeps him on his toes..... sometimes literally.

4.  Don't read directions.  They're overrated.  I'm sure Picasso didn't bother with directions and he's regarded as a genius.

5.  Buy the smallest quantity of paint/stain/sealant possible.  That way you can run out right before the end and need to drive 30 minutes to the nearest town for more supplies.  This will also increase the amount of time that the project must sit in a "convenient" area. 

6.  Finish a project, move it into its designated spot, and then decide to do something else. 
For example- I built a t.v. stand, primed, painted and moved it into the living room.  I stacked it FULL of cookbooks and electronics and then decided that it needed more work.  I then had to take everything back off it, move furniture out of my path and drag it back outside.  *I also threw in a bit of Hint #5 as I didn't have the required glaze to complete the project so I had to drive to town just for a pint of paint.*  And... I don't mean to brag, but I also included Hint #1 (we were having company over for supper). 

7.  If by some chance you should experience a stroke of genius, don't write anything down.  There is no chance that this information will ever be helpful to humankind ever again.  Ever. 

8.  Only tape off and protect things AFTER the first coat of paint is already on OR when you are 3/4 done with several of the same item (i.e. staining 4 doors and waiting till the last one to tape off the handles). 

9.  Start all unfamiliar projects in the most visible area.  That way, once you're experienced and things look perfect, say.... your concrete floors, everyone can see your obvious imperfections in front of the ice box and you can then set your washer and dryer over those lovely square feet of perfection in the utility room. 

Sorry to toot my own horn so much, but I just thought that I should share some of my wisdom with the rest of the world.  It should be illegal for one person to have this much talent.  And yes, Home Improvement was one of my favorite shows to watch growing up.  I know you were wondering.

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Just like mama said... If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.