Thursday, May 12, 2016

Springtime is Not for Blogging

There are no apologies regarding the lack of posts lately.  Do you know why?

Springtime is not for blogging.  

Springtime is for chickens.

Springtime is for playing on the porch, watching your mom work in the flower beds. 

Springtime is for planting garden produce.  A backhoe?  Well, how else is someone supposed to dig a proper hole for a tomato plant if not with a backhoe?

Springtime is for riding bulls.

And springtime is time for riding lawnmowers with Dad.

Springtime is for grocery shopping.  Well, really anytime is time for grocery shopping with John in the chest carrier and Kenyon in the cart.  For the life of me, I can't understand why 'grocery shopping' is not considered exercise in any of the workout apps on my phone.

Springtime is for storms.

Springtime is for reading stories to your grandma.

And, according to her, a perfectly acceptable time to load up on ice cream right before bedtime.

It is time for stories and morning coffee with your grandad. 

It is time for hanging out with your brother.

Springtime is for playing HARD at the park.

Springtime is when we have a meeting of the minds and talk garden layouts.

Springtime is when we sleep in lightweight pj's, or maybe no pj's at all.

Springtime is when we absolutely pass out after a hard day of working outside.

Springtime is when God shows off some of His best skies.

No, my friends, springtime is not for blogging.  Springtime is for soaking up everything outside. 

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Just like mama said... If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.