Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Where Does the Time Go?

Time is flying by, and I have no earthly idea where it is going.  Kenyon has suddenly become a little man and there doesn't seem to be any trace of baby left.  My heart aches just thinking about it.

He is into anatomy and likes to name parts of the body on himself or anyone within poking distance.  He is beginning to identify colors and especially enjoys saying "bllllllllllllllagh" which is, of course, blue.

We have been spending nearly all day, every day, outdoors planting flowers and working in the garden.  Kenyon loves to be a helper and imitate everything I do.  I'm going to need to find a small watering can for him as I'm sure it would keep him occupied for huge chunks of time.

Yesterday I spent quite a bit of time picking rocks out of the raised beds and laying the offending rocks on one of the railroad ties that makes up the border.  Kenyon and his pal Jorja filled their arms, load after load, with tons of rocks and then threw them threw the barbed wire fence into the pasture.  I'm not sure how well Jorja slept that night, but Kenyon even had to take a little TWO HOUR power nap in addition to his regular nap that day.  I didn't make the kids throw all those rocks into the pasture, but when they wanted to do it, of course I encouraged it and let them carry on for as long as possible.  Side note: I found several earthworms in the garden dirt and let the kiddos play with them.  Kenyon enjoyed petting them very gently while Jorja thoroughly enjoyed them - without ever touching them.  I love observing the differences in boys versus girls.

Someday soon I'll post pictures of our growing boy.  Let's be realistic though, folks.  Preggo ladies have no energy to edit pictures by the end of the day, much less type something charming to accompany them.  Don't hold your breath.

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Just like mama said... If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.