Wednesday, March 27, 2013

You can take the girl out of the country...

I'll admit, I probably take a bit too much pleasure from making fun of town-clowns.  You know, those folks that think milk magically appears in plastic, gallon jugs and that meat grows in some sort of garden in pretty little freezer-wrapped packages.  I do love to help those that want to learn more about our way of life, it's those that can't manage to take their cell phone from their ear long enough to listen to me that really drive me bonkers.

But I digress. 

A friend sent me an email this morning about raising chickens.  Not that anything in the article was revolutionary; rather, it was a picture contained within the article that struck the biggest cord with me.  There was a photo of a man holding both brown and white eggs in his hand.  And there, folks, is where the problem lies.

Did you know that chickens can lay WHITE eggs?!?

Bear with me, I was surprised too.  I've recovered since this startling revelation and gone on to lead a semi-normal life these past few years. 

My freshman year of college I attended a small ag JuCo where a bunch of farm kids had gathered from across the country and tried our best to raise cane in a large town.  A fellow freshman girl was going home one weekend and promised to bring back several dozen eggs from her family's chickens.  Fresh eggs?  Woohoo!  Man, we sure knew how to live it up back then. 

The eggs that Lydia brought back that Monday weren't right though.  Not right at all.  They were white, not brown. 

"Hey, uh, Lydia, why did you dye your eggs white?  That is the stupidest thing I've ever seen.  You're not selling them to a grocery store, so why did you waste all that time?" 

"Did you not know that chickens can have white eggs, Anna?"

I recovered oh so smoothly. 

"Of course I knew that, doesn't everybody?  I was just teasing.  Geesh.  Take a joke."  But deep down inside, my world had just been shattered.  White eggs?  Geesh, indeed. 

Consider this my good deed of the day.  I am informing you that some breeds of chickens do indeed lay white eggs so that you, too, don't suffer like I almost did.  Now go compose yourself and try to carry on the rest of your day. 

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Just like mama said... If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.