Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Random thoughts and oddities

*First off, everyone knows that snakes are evil.  I mean, the devil was one in the Bible for pete's sake.  That being said, if one were to beat a snake to death with a shovel on her parent's veranda while her puppies were watching and she was screaming bloody murder..... Hypothetically, if a snake is to come back and haunt me for the rest of my days, what sort of life form to you believe it would take on?  Discuss and get back with me.  I'm tired of looking over my shoulder for I-don't-know-what. 

*Next subject, (sorry I'm so random today), my family is getting really good at thinking of humorous times in our past and saying, "Blog that."  This is one of those times. 

Wesley and I got married a few years ago, and it was quite a time.  Most people were 'feeling no pain' that night, but definitely the next morning.  Of course, when in a 'feeling no pain' state of mind, the genius starts to flow.  Cough, cough.  

My friend from college, Corey, met Wesley's friend from home, also Corey, that night at our reception.  This was a mind-boggling experience for them.  Two Corey's.  Wooooooowwwwwww. 

The two Corey's approached my older sister, their arms around each others shoulders like they were long lost comrades.  They explained their predicament to Kara. 

"Help us out here.  MY name's Corey, HIS name's Corey........ so who's in charge?!" 

Which immediately prompted her reply, "Oh my goodness - neither one of you.  Ever." 

So now when I tell a story involving either one of the Corey's I cease to provide a last name.  I now say something along the lines of... "I saw Corey the other day.  You know, Corey-Corey who's in charge?"  And then I watch as my family members nod their heads in a collective understanding.  This can't be normal, right?

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Just like mama said... If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.