Tuesday, July 31, 2012

New Sewing Machines!

I love woodworking and especially refinishing old furniture.  Its very tactile.  The progression, the change and the results are very visible.  It is a great way for me to relieve stress.  That, and I get to play with power tools.  Its something that I absolutely love. 

My dad went to an auction recently and bought several large, crucial woodworking tools for me.  Enough to fill an entire two-wheeled trailer.  Mom and Dad brought them up to me a few weekends ago.  As we were unloading them I may have perhaps acted a bit giddy.  Walking on sunshine.  On cloud nine.  My mom just couldn't understand it and voiced her concerns. 

I believe it was my dad who finally said, "Pretend they're like sewing machines."  This immediately changed her tune. 

"Oooooooh!  You got new toys!" she cried.

Not even close, Mom.  Way cooler.  But thanks for trying. 

1 comment:

  1. Was anxious to hear about your sewing machines! I'm with your mom.


Just like mama said... If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.