Sunday, July 15, 2012

Horses in Heaven

I have a buddy, Cash, who is six years old and after Friday's events I think that he's got everything in life pretty well figured out.  Better than myself at least. 

Cash walked up to my desk and got a piece of candy (yeah, I got a J-O-B, but more on that another day). 

Me: Hey, Cash-man, what have you been up to today?

Cash: Eh, not much.  My grandma died today. 

Okay, think about a low-key way to talk through this so he doesn't start crying.

Me: I heard, Bud, and I'm really sorry.  But think about it - your Grandma gets to hang out in heaven now and that's pretty cool, right?

Cash: Yeah, and she's not hurting anymore.  That's cool too. 

Okay, maybe I'm going to be the one that starts to bawl like a baby.

Me: Hey, Cash, I've got a grandma in heaven too.  Do you think that maybe your grandma and one of my grandmas is up there, hanging out and playing and just having a big ol' party?

Cash: Yeah, probably so.  And my dad's got a horse up there too, so they're probably riding too. 

....And cue the waterworks.

Did I mention that Cash is a pretty cool kid?  And, for the record, my dad's got some horses up there too.

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Just like mama said... If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.