Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Reality Check

I have this image in my mind of the perfect yard, somewhat of a cross between the Ponderosa on "Bonanza" and the yard on "The Brady Bunch" (even if that was astro-turf).  I'd love it if my yard could rank among these, expertly landscaped and beautifully manicured.

I've even worked out some rough sketches of how and where I'd like to create some lovely rock-gardeny type spots in our yard next to the road.  I can see it now.  Some taller sunflowers in the back, maybe some hollyhocks scattered in too.  Perhaps on the left hand side there would be a tall rock with our brand on it.  Lower down I'd have wildflowers scattered around in and amongst the rocks, and at the very bottom I'd have sweet potato vines that cascaded over the small, 6-inch tall rock retaining wall.  Sounds lovely, right?

Lets review.

In the past twelve months......

*A cattle truck has backed the entire length of the truck and trailer along my mailbox, scratching the rig and swiveling my mailbox.

*A hired man has backed into my mailbox, and now you have to reach waaaaaaay out of your vehicle window to grab the mail.

* Cattle trucks drive through my yard and driveway to turn around and back into the pens to load cattle.

* Pickups and trailers get parked across my entire yard to create 'wings' and temporary fencing strategies for keeping cattle out of my yard when we're driving them.

* Horses run through my yard during shipping season more than grasshoppers do the entire rest of the year.

* There are enough bones in my yard to re-assemble several sorts of Frankenstein-type calves.

* .....Annnnnnnnnd finally, this morning when calves were shipped from our place and for the third time this season I had two hundred or so calves running through my yard, I finally conceded that perhaps I should give up my dream of ever having a nice yard, complete with an attractive, functioning mailbox, astro-turf and all... Sigh....

1 comment:

  1. My dream of having a pretty yard went out the window when Clinton parked the Semi in our front yard today. He claims it was "in the way". I feel your pain, although I do not have horses trotting on my lawn.


Just like mama said... If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.