Saturday, February 11, 2012

We're having a heat wave...

We have had an absolutely lovely winter for the most part.  In January I even turned off the heat for a few days and opened the windows in the afternoon. 

Today was not one of those days. 

We're currently experiencing a bit of a "chilly period" and, frankly, it sucks.  The ground froze absolutely rock-hard solid and it makes a funny sound when you walk over it.  And.... fun fact.... cattle recently imported from Georgia that have never walked on frozen ground before FREAK and blow through any sort of fence in their path when they hear the akward pitter-patter of their feet on this unknown-yet-must-be-dangerous-so-I'll-go-bonkers ground. 

Sorry for all the backstory.  I digress. 

Today the high is 24 degrees, sustained windchill of -6.  As I was walking along and re-clipping fence this morning, taking the occasional pause to beat my gloved hands on my legs to regain feeling I got a song stuck in my head.  Anyone ever seen "Grumpy Old Men"? 

"We're having a heat wave, a tropical heat wave..."

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Just like mama said... If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.