Thursday, November 17, 2011

Do You Coupon?

I was recently in Walgreen's purchasing some items when a random woman walked up to me out of the blue.

"Psst, do you coupon?" she asked. 

Several thoughts simultaneously flew through my head.

1. Seriously, who really says psst?
2. I fought the urge to ask her if she also had a trench coat and had some watches I could buy.
3. How did she know to ask me?  Perhaps it was my practical outfit.  I have found that coupon-ers are a practical people, not subject to many flights of fancy or easily swayed by wayward, short-lived trends. 

Finally, I gathered my thoughts and answered her, "Of course." 

"Do you know about the coupons on that chicken broth in this week's newspaper?"

Again, "Of course."

We then got into a lengthy discussion about the benfits of buying them in Dillon's grocery store with reward points, double coupons, yadda, yadda, yadda... versus buying them in Walgreen's with register reward coupons, accepting multiple coupons, yadda, yadda, yadda.  After several minutes of back and forth friendly banter we came to a mutual agreement that I was, in fact, making a legitimately money-saving purchase and I could now proceed. 

I still can't wrap my head around how odd we must have looked in that aisle, passionately discussing what probably was a total savings of $2.34.  (Actually, it really was $2.34.  We really did do the math.) 

Another thing I like about coupon-ers: we look out for each other.  Its like a secret society of practical people.  Keep an eye out for me and someday perhaps we'll stumble across each other while out shopping.  I'll be the one in jeans and shoes that are practical enough to walk more than 10 steps in.

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Just like mama said... If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.