Monday, June 6, 2011

Glory Days

Ah yes, college.  The best 2-10 years of a person's life where all tact and good taste can be thrown to the wind in favor of a good time.  However, there is a time post-college when one must re-evaluate some aspects of life still affiliated with college and make the necessary adjustments. 

Example: Wardrobes

I helped my sister Karaline paint her new house this weekend and therefore wore old, ratty T-shirts all weekend.  Coming home this morning Wesley called to say I needed to run by the Verizon office in town and get him a new cell phone.  Apparently he wasn't able to find where it fell out of his shirt pocket in the hay field.... but that's another story. 

Anyhooo, I walk into the small town business in all my full glory: unshaven legs still blotchy with paint that refuses to leave, old ratty tennies on my feet, paint splattered shorts, no makeup, hair a mess..... and my shirt.  Oh my good ol' college days painting shirt.  Its electric blue with five inch tall pink letters across the chest that say "SEX - it's in our genes".  Reproduction majors always have the best slogans, true, but I don't think everyone in the phone office had the same appreciation of my college glory days as I once had. 

That shirt is going in the trash tonight. 

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Just like mama said... If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.