Thursday, January 21, 2016

State of the Family

In honor of last week's State of the Union address, I've decided to participate on a more familial level.  It will be approximately two hours, 59 minutes shorter; it will most certainly not be written by a professional speech writer; and I am wearing sweatpants instead of a suit.  However, much like the official State of the Union address, by the end of this address you will have heard much, learned little and absolutely no changes will take place in your course of action as a result.

John is adorable.  He does look incredibly similar to his brother at this age (which you would assume since they have the same parents) and has many of the same traits.  He is a very good-natured baby who smiles, giggles and coos incessantly....... unless he is placed in his carseat.  Kiddo hates being in his carseat and will scream the entire time he is placed in it.  Therefore, our trips to town are far and few between.  If you are ever offended by the trash bags piling up outside our back door or the containers overflowing with items for the recycle bins please know you are more than welcome to take them with you.  I; however, am going to wait until there is an overwhelming amount of each and make my scream-filled trip to town well worth the effort.

Kenyon amazes me every day.  For the past two years we watched as his physical traits altered and his physical movements changed drastically.  Now we witness as his mind develops and he starts to put pieces of the puzzle together.  My sister, Elizabeth, lives in a white house.  As we were driving (complete with screaming baby) one day through GW Co. we noticed a white house.  Kenyon pointed it out to me and asked, "Mom, why is Auntie Lala's house right there?"  Apparently every white house is now Auntie Lala's house.  Or when he arranged all his large lego blocks on the floor like a minefield and then stood above them on a stool.  "Mom, if I jump on top of these will I be mad, or scared?"  Hurt, kiddo, you will be hurt.

And then there are the parents.  Wes and I don't change much from day to day or year to year.  Efficiency is our key word.  We both try to do our best to make hay while the sun shines.  Sometimes that means building fence on a 'nice' 40 degree day, sometimes that means laundry and writing a blog post at 3 am because you're up anyway, and sometimes that means rocking a baby swing with your foot while completing snap tests on top of your washing machine that is full of muddy jeans while you have a jello salad setting up in the fridge and homemade biscuits cooking in the oven.  (Although I try not to pull days like that too often.  That whole 'efficient from 3 am till 10 pm' day about killed me.)

And there you have it, the state of our family.  Hope your's is in good shape as well.

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Just like mama said... If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.