Wednesday, October 24, 2012

This is worse than Bambi's dad dying

I hauled a couple of calves to the locker this morning to be butchered.  I didn't think much about it, and to tell you the truth I was actually pretty excited.  Fresh beef!  Woohoo!

As I unloaded the calves I noticed that there was a heifer with a bit of a bad eye.  Not a big concern of mine, seeing as how I don't find eyeballs delectable.

I returned the pickup and trailer home and stopped Wesley to let him know that I had finished my task.

"What did you think of that steer you dropped off?" he asked.

"He was nuttier than squirrel poop and I'm glad he's losing his head" or something similar was my reply.

"Um, did you notice anything about that other calf?...."  I could tell it was a loaded question.

Instantly, my mind raced over the past one to 24 months, trying to figure out where I might recognize this one, nondescript heifer from.

"Well, I noticed that she had a.........well, she had BAD EYES!  YOU JUST KILLED MY LITTLE BLIND BUCKET CALF THAT I RAISED LAST YEAR!" I screamed.

"Um, technically, you just did."

Sidenote:  When dropping some sort of great revelation on your wife do not also take the time to argue with her and point out insignificant details. 

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Just like mama said... If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.