Tuesday, October 9, 2012

On this day in history...

Apologies - I feel like being brief today.

Two years ago today, Wesley and I got married.  The day after our wedding we woke up early, opened presents, and by noon were ready to get back to normal.  As Wesley loaded his overnight bag into the feed pickup he took off his wedding ring, handed it to me and left to drive the two hours back to our new home and doctor calves.  I stayed at my folks that day and helped my dad doctor a couple of his calves. 

Wesley mentioned to a friend once that he liked me because I was plain.  He later amended that statement to say that he meant low maintenance, but he probably hit the nail on the head just as well the first time.

Wesley called me during lunch to see what my plans for tonight were.  We could go out tonight to a big town for supper or we could drive around and feed calves, wheel up pens and just be low key. 

I dare you to guess how we're celebrating tonight. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Well, the love we get as ranch wives... it's the best-est!
    :) Happy Anniversary!!

  3. Thanks! It was a great, low key kind of night :)


Just like mama said... If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.