Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Neighborhood Watch

There is a neighborhood watch that recently started in our little community, following a string of "five-fingered discounts" that have taken place in our area. 

After reading my earlier posts, one may deduce that I have an affinity towards firearms and their inherent practicality.  For instance, they can help provide meals, entertainment, and most importantly.... defense. 

My mother-in-law came over to the house one day to explain the finer points of enacting an effective neighborhood watch, including: taking tag numbers, vehicle makes and models, and most importantly DO NOT SHOOT SUSPICIOUS PEOPLE. 

My older sister Karaline came to visit a few days later and saw the packet of information addressed to the "Residents of the Southwest Quadrant" of our township.  She asked for further explanation so I proceeded to provide her with the finer points of being a suspicious old woman (which I have now become).  Apparantly, at the end of my speech I said "....and..... (sigh)..... Janelle says I'm not allowed to shoot anyone, even if they've got my stuff." 

I don't remember it quite like that, but that's Karalina's recollection of events. 

AND, for the record, I still think that rule is a crock.

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Just like mama said... If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.