Thursday, April 16, 2020

What Else Ya' Got?

It's been a spring to remember around here.  Even six months ago we knew it would be a crazy spring to remember.  We knew the baby was going to be due at the tail end of calving, in the middle of burning pastures, dumping calves on grass, tornado season, yada, yada, yada.  Spring is a busy time around here and having a brand new baby on top of it all makes it that much more difficult.

Then life began to throw 'extras' at us.

A global pandemic.

Schooling at home.

Friends with cancer.

No birthing coach at the hospital with you.

The doctor is in quarantine for visiting Florida.

You're mom can't spend time with you after the baby is born.

It just seems like one thing after another.  Sometimes you feel like breaking down, but what good would it do?  Answer: absolutely none.  I come from one of the most pragmatic families I know, and we just don't play into hysterics or dramatics.  So sometimes I allow myself a few moments to shed a few tears and then you just plow forward and think of things that are manageable and going right.

Calving is (knock on wood) going swimmingly and I haven't had a calf in the house yet this year.

No one I know is actually infected with this blasted COVID-19.

Friends are getting the best of care and making strides in treatment and we couldn't ask for more right now.

It's my fourth kid, so while I WANT someone to coach me through contractions, surely I can manage without.

Same with my mother not being able to come up after the baby's birth.  While I most certainly WANT her here, I've prepped meals and filled my freezer for the past several weeks and stocked up as much as possible and I will survive without much outside intervention in my kitchen.  I tried to have a small pity party last night and sent my mother a text telling her as much.  Her reply?  Millions of others are in the same boat and separated.  We'll manage.

Every time my husband calls and needs me to cook lunch for a crew of men and take it out to the pasture and I'm right in the middle of homeschooling and a million other things I say the same thing to him: we'll manage.

Every time I feel a bit overwhelmed about having 4 kids in a little over 6 years I remember that many women have managed to have more children in less time, and manage life with more children total.  I just remind myself, we'll manage.

Like I said, we don't do dramatic.  I am fortunate to have my mom, in laws and friends only a phone call away when so many don't.

Sooo…. the crib is built, the laundry is almost caught up and I have a few meals of leftovers in the fridge right now.  I'm ready for this baby to get here!  I have a picture in my mind.  Five years from now this child will sit on my lap and while we rock I'll tell them about this crazy spring and they'll never believe it.

In the meantime I'll just keep my big girl panties pulled up, look the devil square in the eye and ask what else ya' got?

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Just like mama said... If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.