Tuesday, May 16, 2017

A Week in the Life of a Ranch Kid

Continual apologies regarding my tardy nature.  Y'all should expect it by now.  It's been busy around here lately.  The weather has had some serious ups and downs so you'll notice the extremes in fashion choices when viewing the photos.  

John is getting to the age where he is much more interactive and engaged with all the happenings around here.  Although he doesn't talk much, he definitely is quite expressive and lets you know what he's thinking through facial expressions and gestures.  

Since he's down to mere days until he's bumped into middle child status, I'm feeling rather sentimental towards him and decided to focus primarily on the current 'youngest child' for this post. 

Watching the calves come to the feed pickup.

A little light pond dam work on the bulldozer. 

National Take Your Kid to Work Day
A normal Tuesday.

Rainy day reading with his big brother.  Kenyon was so good in explaining the differences among various implements and equipment in the tractor book.

We went to a spring show.
I got tired of chasing him.
I locked him (temporarily) in the calf scales.
(No children were harmed in the making of this photo.)

The boys, and friend, jumped off the pig loading chute hundreds of times that day.

See the bottom of his pants?  That would be an accumulation of soggy juices from playing in the feedbunks where silage had collected and then gotten rained on.
John smelled delightful after playing in this mess. 

Bath time was guaranteed that night. 

A quick trip to the hospital to see our new baby cousin...

Approximately 3 hours old, after approximately 2 hours of nursing.
She is quite possibly the world's best snuggler.  And eater, according to her mother. 

Playing on the swingset.  Over and over and over and over...

Working a little ground with Dad one evening.
I love these trips when both boys ride with their dad.  It guarantees me at least a half hour of quiet time to relax in the car by myself.  

These tomatoes aren't going to plant themselves. 

I love this photo.  It was such a fun morning planting the garden with these two. 

Feeding chickens.

I feel the need.  The need for speed.
This does not bode well for our future. 

He's exhausted?  Think about his mama trying to keep up with him!

I can't get enough of this little devilish grin.
And there you have it, folks.  As you can plainly see, this kiddo covers some serious territory during the course of a week.


  1. So fun to see your kiddos and read your blog--I just found it thanks to a friend. Your life could have been mine 20 years ago before all this internet stuff. I treasure those times when I could be at home on the ranch with my two little ranchers/farmboys. So much as changed, the oldest graduated from college last year, got married this year, and now lives about 3 hours away--still digging in the dirt, I might add. The younger, still comes home a bit, he's a 19 year old college sophomore working at the local convenience store. Our cows, tractors, combines, balers all gone, as are a lot of our great times together. You are so blessed! I am sure sometimes you don't feel like it with three young ones and a full-time ranch/farm wife job, but someday, you will look back and think--if I could just turn back time! Make sure to take lots of photos and keep them in a safe place, someday, you will be able to give them to your grandkids and say, "see, you're just like your dad!" Keep writing and posting!!!!!

    1. Your words mean quite a lot to me. Thank you for the encouragement!


Just like mama said... If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.