Monday, May 25, 2015

I appreciate this, but...

As I sit here at my computer, I can hear the rain coming down on our tin roof and some rolling thunder in the distance.  This is approximately the 57th rain in the past 9 days or so.

I DO NOT want to loudly complain about all this rain, but I'm starting to wonder when it may start to slow down just a little.  After surviving several years of incredible drought it is almost difficult to grasp the sheer amount of rain we've received.  It makes me wish I had 50 rain barrels set up in the back yard to catch some of this wonderfulness.

My garden looks lovely, especially when you squint really hard and just focus on the tomato plants and disregard the weeds that are quickly overshadowing everything else.  The pastures are green, the ponds are full, my grass needs mowed every three days or so....

Actually, now that I sit here and type out all the blessings from this rain, please disregard my earlier complaints.  I am terribly thankful for this rain, and keep up the good work, God!

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Just like mama said... If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.