Tuesday, February 24, 2015

We Like to Pray

A few weeks back I placed Kenyon in his high chair so we could all sit down and eat supper.  Suddenly, I had a wild hair and decided to teach him how to fold his hands and pray before eating.  It went well enough; Kenyon played along with mild interest and afterwards we continued on with the rest of our uneventful evening.

The next night, without prompting, Kenyon started grabbing for my hands with a fervor I've rarely seen come over him.  It took me quite a while to figure out exactly what it was he wanted, but finally his slower-than-molasses mother caught on and we prayed before supper.  That was a tough prayer to say out loud.  I had to choke back tears while we gave thanks for good little boys that reminded their mommies to pray.

Now I find him running up to me at random times throughout the day, every day, grabbing my hands and chirping, "Pray, pray, pray, pray."  If I happen to not immediately comply with his request, he begins to sound a bit more like a Baptist during a revival.  "PRAY, PRAY, PRAY, PRAY!"

Its kind of fun, although I feel a bit badly about calling on God so many times each day.  Busy guy, ya know.  Its been great for me to stop just praying in my head but take the time to pause and think of little blessings to give thanks for ten times each day.  I love Kenyon's enthusiasm and I hope we can continue on in this little endeavor for a long time.

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Just like mama said... If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.