Monday, November 3, 2014

Get it? Got it? Good.

I know that Kenyon is borderline genius.  I mean, duh, I'm his mother.  You don't have to tell me.

But in all seriousness, I am in awe of how much this child, or really children in general, have a tendency to just get stuff.  Like the really deep stuff in life.

We went to a visitation on Saturday at a church in town.  For the past week I have been practicing with K how to shake hands with folks.  I feel this is a skill that every child should master.  Many a book has been judged by it's cover and a limp handshake, trust me.  (Not that books shake hands often, but you get my drift.)

We made our way through the crowd of folks on Saturday and Kenyon was friendly, but by no means outgoing enough to initiate shaking hands with anyone.  He also had missed his morning nap and was no more than five minutes from a defcon level 5 meltdown due to sheer exhaustion.

Before we got ready to leave the church we needed to say goodbye to Don, the newly widowed man.  He looked defeated, exhausted and drained. - all the crushing weight of the world when you happen to lose the love of your life.

Don said hello to me and forced himself to attempt a bit of a smile.  You could just tell that he was almost too exhausted to carry on any more that day with the general public.  He turned towards Kenyon and gave him the same tired grin.  Without warning, Kenyon instantly perked up.  He lifted his head off my shoulder, shot Don the biggest grin in the history of the world and stuck out his hand for a hearty handshake.  I think it was just what the doctor ordered for a very tired man that day.

I just love how kids know when someone needs some extra special treatment, don't you?

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Just like mama said... If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.