Saturday, November 2, 2013

Mountains, Molehills and Hot Tamales

NPR had a piece this week on everything Halloween: candy, Satan, trick-or-treating and the new craze "Trunk-or-Treat".  I was not aware of trunk-or-treating until this year.  Apparently folks now park in one central location, decorate the trunk of their car and hand out candy this way.

Not only do we hand out massive amounts of high calorie, high sugar content foods, but now we've also taken away the exercise component of the night.  Genius.  But I digress.

NPR interviewed a pastor about his feelings regarding the Satanic nature of this holiday and why he and his church sponsored a trunk-or-treat event in their parking lot.  I loved his response.

"Ehhhh, kids dress up, we all make fun of Satan, we eat lots of candy, everyone goes home happy."

Perfect.  Absolutely perfect.  Making light of a holiday that is, in my view, fairly nonsensical.  If only he had added in a bit about spending next to nothing on a costume.  If he had added that tidbit I probably would have jumped through the radio and hugged him.

I had high hopes of escaping the day without having to participate (except in eating candy.  Duh.).  However, my friend Ashley is always taking care of me.  She provided me with two onsies for the week and a chili pepper costume for Kenyon.  If not for her, Kenyon would have had something to hang over my head for the rest of his life.

"You mean you didn't even do anything for my first Halloween?" he could say with tear filled eyes.

Don't worry though, I'm sure we'll have many more times in his life to show him how apathetic his parents are to many common cultural events.  For example, sports.  But that's a whole 'nother story.

Sorry, way off base.  What is this post about again?  Oh yes, my child dressed in a ridiculous costume, looking ridiculously cute.  Which, really, let's be honest.  He's ridiculously cute every day.  Hottie tamale costume or not.

The highlight of Halloween every year - having Granma C. bust out the crazy purple hair. Notice Kenyon is less than thrilled with life at this point.  I think the hat/chili pepper stem may have been the straw that broke the camel's back for him.  

A rare smile for the evening.  Notice Granma C. even accessorized her crazy Halloween hair with crazy, loud socks.  We get wild in our neck of the woods. 

If I pretend to be asleep, can we be done with these ridiculous charades?


  1. I can't decide which of these photos I like best. I think it'll have to be the first one, because HIS FACE. It's like a perfect mixture of bafflement and reproach.

  2. I wish I had taken a picture the first ten seconds that he wore the ridiculous stem/hat. He stuck out his bottom lip the farthest I've ever seen him do. Hopefully this is not indicative of his attitude towards every Halloween to come.


Just like mama said... If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.