Friday, November 8, 2013

Early 'maturing'

I've had folks tell me that Kenyon is quite advanced for his age based on the way he sits, holds his head up, tracks things with his eyes, etc.  I used to say that perhaps he was early maturing; however, I feel that 'mature' is probably not the most appropriate choice of words.

He was being incredibly cute this morning after I fed him and was coo-ing up a storm.  We had a nice little conversation... until the end.

"Do you love your mommy?"

Coo and smile.

"Do you love your daddy?"

Coo and smile.

"Are you gonna grow up and cowboy?"

Coo and smile.

"Do you wish you could eat steak?"

Coo and smile.

"Are you always going to do what Mommy says?"

Hysterical laughter.

And then I decided it was nap time. 


  1. Sounds like your little one is way to smart already!! As a ranchers wife, I sure enjoy reading your blog :)

    1. Thank you very much for the kind words, Lindsay. I always wonder what folks think about my ramblings. Let me know if you have a blog as well - I'd love to hear about another ranch wife's life!

  2. Anna, just from 30 years experience and from what my mom has told me. I think u better enjoy the time while Kenyon can't talk or run. And if you would like the option of an older child for a day or two or week whatever suits you let me know. Jen and I would let you and Weds enjoy Bri's company for a day or two. She'll be 4 in January. That way you have something to look forward too.

    1. I would love to keep Bri sometime... as long as you provide a 20x30' padded pen and some sort of instruction booklet. I barely understand how to take care of a 3 month old - not sure I can jump ahead 4 years!


Just like mama said... If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.