Tuesday, May 7, 2013


Let's all cross our fingers and hope that I'm not harboring and gestating some sort of diva-licious, hormone-raging, attitudy-Judy type fetus.

Loopie and Laurie already have these traits down to a T.

Let me explain.  Last week we got a shipment of seed corn delivered to the shop connected to our house.  The shop where Loop and Laurie have been sleeping all winter.  Let me also tell you that seed corn this year cost us more than this first-born child.  No joke.

We didn't want the girls to be tempted and accidentally tear into one of the bags when they were horsing around, so that night we decided it was time to move to their "summer quarters" and sleep in the dog house in their outdoor pen that night.

It may or may not have gotten down to almost freezing that night.  And.... it may or may not have rained like the dickens all night long.  (Oh, please, folks.  Their doghouse is HUGE and was filled with nice, warm hay for them to burrow in.)

Wesley let the girls out of their pen the next morning and they were less than thrilled with the world.

When I came home from work that night Wesley gave me an earful on the cold shoulder that Laurie had given him all morning in the feed pickup.

She sat in the passenger seat with her back to him, staring a hole though the passenger window.  He tried several times to make small talk with her, all to no avail.  She never even turned her head to look at him.  She was mad and she wanted him to know it.  

That night I said an extra special little prayer.  "Dear God, please don't let our children be as moody as our dogs.  Amen." 


  1. Just think Anna. Your child will just screen when its POed at you instead of giveing you the silent treatment.

  2. Thank you for that silver lining, BJ. Somehow, this doesn't comfort me much!


Just like mama said... If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.