Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Pot Lights

I love to watch home interior design shows.  Something that is totally "in" these days are recessed lights.  I remember calling them "pot lights" before all the PC dictators took over and made us start calling everything "vintage" instead of "antique."  Frankly, I feel like they can kiss my "gluteus maximus."  Like that, PC dictators?

Back to my story.  I don't feel that I can ever call them pot lights again.  Nope, this time I'm following a trend and sticking to calling it recessed lighting.  Wanna know why?

Yesterday, a member of our local sheriff's department walked into my office.  Not that I had done anything wrong, but seeing someone in that line of work always makes me do a quick mental checklist of ways that I may have majorly screwed up in the recent past. 

After exchanging pleasantries and some idle chit-chat the nice officer asked if I would be interested in some grow lights for any agronomy projects that I might have coming up.  My frugal nature couldn't pass up such an opportunity and I of course assured him that we could indeed use them. 

"Okay, great, let's go get them out of our storage shed. They came from a drug bust and the case finally closed so we don't need them as evidence anymore."

Um..... come again?  I froze in my tracks while a million thoughts raced through my head.  "Do we need to clean them or something?"

"Nah, they don't have any residue on them or anything, just scrape the evidence number off them if you want." 

It was at this point I realized how odd this conversation really was and I immediately turned to one of my less attractive defense modes when faced with an uncomfortable situation.  I began to giggle uncontrollably. 

The officer looked at me in a really strange manner from that point forward and I'm sure that my giggling helped turn this into a one-time only gifting of unwanted material from their department.

So now I have these two lovely grow lights that set in the corner of my office.  See why I can't use the term "pot lights" ever again in my life?

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Just like mama said... If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.