Sunday, April 1, 2012

I'm a P-I-M-P

Normally I try not to post reallllly dirty or vulgar things on here because I know that some of my audience might not approve (hi Grandma!) but I just couldn't resist today. 

I got a new "smart phone" cellular phone a few weeks ago, and let me tell you, this thing is light years ahead of me.  I'm guessing that I utilize about 2% of its actual capabilities.  One of the fun things that I have found on it is a feature called "Task Manager".  I often have strokes of genius while driving which makes for very precarious conditions while I try to dig out of my purse a pen and paper and then write across my dashboard while keeping between the lines.  No more, my friends.  No more. 

Task Manager lets me press a little button, talk into the speaker and watch my little words flash across the screen in tidy little bullets for my To-Do lists.  Yes, I am easily entertained.  Another bonus - when I hold the phone up to my mouth it makes me feel like when I was six and my sister and I played with walkie-talkies all the time.  Don't worry, I don't do the "ktchsss" static noise at the end though. 

But I digress.  I was trying to make out a list of outdoor chores to accomplish when I got home that afternoon.  I pushed the microphone button. 

"Hook up hose." 

My little phone typed away.  It is now that I should mention there is no spell check feature and apparently does not make inferences on which homophone to use.  The phone typed out...

"Hook up hoes." 

I shall now start going by the name "Madame Curry". 

1 comment:

  1. This is your cousin. I really enjoy your blog. I just had to say on this one that I always figured it would be one of the Zink boys who got into this line of work. You girls never cease to amaze.

    btw, your photographs are incredible.


Just like mama said... If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.