Friday, April 13, 2012

Fun Facts

Let's be honest.  Its Friday and I can't really make out a train of complete thoughts at this point.  Its been one of those weeks/months/years.  I'll tell you a little bit about my area. 

*I traveled to Manhattan for a few days for training-type stuff.  My cohort, Amanda, and I were commenting on how terrible the traffic was and that this was the biggest apple that we ever wanted to visit in our lives.  (For those uninformed masses, Manhattan, Kansas, is known as the "little apple" as opposed to that other place back east.)  We later met with the director of the state 4-H program who went on and on endlessly about the benefits of living in a small town such as Manhattan.  Turns out, she lived in Washington, D.C. for a number of years.  I guess it all depends on perspective.  I prefer mine. 

*We had quite a downpour earlier this week and as I was driving home I noticed a van parked ON the sidewalk, under an awning.  When I say on the sidewalk I don't mean that they simply jumped the curb.  They drove up the handicap ramp, proceeded forward for 10 yards and parked immediately in front of the store that they needed to enter.  No one really batted an eye at this.  I'm sure they had good reason not to want to get wet.  Surely..... right?

*I was on our little hometown radio station yesterday morning to promote our county fair.  I had to travel a few miles out into the country to get to the trailer house where they broadcast from.  I'll give you directions so you can go visit too.  Its about three miles south of town, west side of the road, top of the hill.  You'll see the first trailer house with the antennas sticking out of it, but that's not the correct one.  If you drive to the backside of this house you'll see that there's another, newer trailer and that's the "new" station.  Tricky, I know.  Try to keep up. 

*We're having Crap Night at our house tomorrow night for Wesley's belated birthday party and you're all invited.  What, you ask yourselves, is Crap Night?  Crap Night is a tradition that I grew up with in my family and am introducing in GW Co.  Families come together and eat snacks and finger food, kids play in one area and leave the adults relatively alone, and kids can say the word crap all they want to and not get in trouble because it's Crap Night.  Everybody wins. 

*Since this entire post is just a bunch of random thoughts I'm throwing this fun fact in as well.  We have one stoplight in our entire county, and between the hours of 10pm and 6am it only serves as a red blinky light.  I love our little rural life. 

Post Script:  Just because we call it Crap Night, this does not mean we eat crappy food.  The food is quite delicious, it just isn't necessarily the most healthy.  Dieters beware.


  1. I love that you're spreading Crap Night. Not spreading crap, mind you, but the Night of Crap... or something.

    I also laughed out loud- really hard- at your description of the trailers/ radio station. Good stuff.

  2. The last time I sent out invitations I misspelled Crap. So, it looked like we were having Carp Night. Larry thought we were serving fish. Nooooo way Larry, only genuine crap at our house.


Just like mama said... If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.