Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Year of the Owl

The Chinese seem to have an animal label for every year: dog, tiger, dragon, duck-billed platypus, etc....  After celebrating/surviving our first anniversary, I have decided that this was the Year of Learning in the Curry household, and thus, "The Year of the Owl".

Things that we have learned throughout the course of newly wedded bliss:
- Wes is a terrible loser at bowling
- I am a terrible loser at mini-golf
- Sometimes we will go to bed angry at each other (it sounds like those first two statements are related to the third, but they are not)
- Don't get sassy when someone is holding a knife, preparing supper.
- I married someone who acts like a 60 year old or a 6 year old.  There is rarely any middle ground.
- I married someone who has the inability to talk normally to our dogs.  However, why would I want him to?  The 6 year old voice is fine.
- Neither one of us is crazy about ice cream.
- We can work cattle together alllllll day, but we cannot work together with anything involving any sort of vehicle, tractor, or implement for more than five minutes.  Even then there usually ends up being bloodshed and tears.
- I have learned that I can complain about the state of something for days, but it does not become an "issue" until he decides that it is, in fact, an "issue".  And then something should be done immediately.  Or yesterday. 
- He is starting to accept the fact that sometimes I do fall off the deep end and just go nuts for no apparent reason.
- And....... the longer we are married I really wonder why we didn't do this years ago when we first became best friends.  I really did marry the most perfect man for me.  Whoops, I guess that should have been #1 on my list of things I learned.  Although its not so much something I've recently learned... more like an affirmation of prior knowledge...

Yipee!  1 year down, fifty-plus more years to go!!!

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Just like mama said... If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.