Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The Little Girls

Wes and I have no real children (yet) and so we have become 'those dog people'.  You know the ones I'm talking about.  Pictures on their phones always shown a little too eagerly, talking about their personalities as if they were human and joining conversations with mothers of real children with phrases like, "Oh really?  My dog does that too!" or "Yeah, we had that same potty training problem with our little ones too".  Some find it endearing.  Some just walk away. 

Loopie and Laurie are our two blue heeler females and our main source of entertainment.  Their dog pen where they sleep at night is situated not twenty feet from our bedroom window.  Every morning I get out of bed, open the window and say, "Good morning girls!" in the most chipper voice that I possibly can.  I feel that it helps get the day started off on the right foot.  Right before Easter I had to take them to the vet to get fixed, ensuring their would never be any 'accidents'.  (Not that we don't loooove puppies, but we're realistic and know that we have a houseful the way we are now.)  Every morning I'd walk to the window, pause, sigh, and keep walking.  Wes would lift his head off his pillow, shake it, and sigh.  Only I think he sighed for different reasons. 

After Easter at my folks we came home and commenced to settle into our daily routine once again.  Monday morning bright and early I popped out of bed, walked by the window and paused, contemplating not telling the girls good morning and perhaps sparing Wes and his sanity.  As I stared out the window I heard Wes' growly voice behind me, "Dammit - just do it.  You know you want to."  And I turned around just in time to see him roll over and duck his head underneath his pillow.  I know he loves me, you just can't always tell.

Example of conversation:
"I bought my son a toy and all he did was play with the box!"
"Really?  I buy my little girls toys too, but their favorite thing is playing tug-of-war with a dead coyote's tail!  How funny that our little tykes are so similar!"  (Okay, I never take it quite THAT far.)

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Just like mama said... If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.