Monday, November 30, 2015

Dragons and Dinos and Cattle, Oh My!

Kenyon and John spent a Saturday evening at Grandma Curry's house recently and played with their cousins for a few hours.  It was a nice evening so I decided to walk between our houses in the dark to go pick them up from their evening of fun.  No flashlight, no cell phone, nothing but the nearly-full moon.

On the walk back, some cattle rustled in the tall pasture grass just a few feet from the road where we walked.  Kenyon instantly froze and searched for the source of the noise.

"Mom," he said.  "I think I heard a dragon."

"Really?  I didn't think we had any dragons around these parts."  I replied.

"Well, maybe not a dragon.  Maybe a dinosaur."

Consider yourselves warned, folks.  We have the most treacherous 50 yard stretch of road in Greenwood County.

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Just like mama said... If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.