Thursday, December 19, 2013

What a Bawl Baby

The first 25+ years of my life I did pretty well with not showing any emotion, or at least ones that made me seem soft.

Thank you, pregnancy, birth, nursing and subsequent raging hormones.

I now cry at the drop of a hat, and to make matters worse, I do it IN FRONT OF PEOPLE.  Yesterday I might as well have hooked up to an IV first thing in the morning.  I cried so much all day long that I was severely dehydrated by the middle of the afternoon.  In my defense, though, it's not entirely my fault.  There are simply too many good people in the world that decided to show themselves yesterday.  (Odd thing to complain about, right?)

Example #1
I dropped Kenyon off at his daycare first thing yesterday morning.  Megan handed me a small Christmas gift and a handmade ornament.  Literally, handmade.  It was an ornament with my baby's handprint in the center.

Good thing Megan is used to seeing people crying and babbling incoherently, although they are usually less than three feet tall and weigh 40 pounds or less.  My bad.

Example #2
I decided to watch a video on my lunch hour of a soldier returning from Afghanistan and surprising his son during his football game.  Enough said.

Example #3
Someone suggested I read the "Letters to Santa" section of the weekly newspaper.  I should have known better.  I couldn't have cried more even if I'd stared at a basket full of puppies.  It was bad.

In these letters the area kids asked that homeless people get homes, kids with cancer get cured, grandmas not get sick anymore and everyone gets to spend Christmas with their families.  I tear up again just thinking about it.

The only saving grace that kept me from totally losing my mind and running up to random strangers and hugging them the rest of the day was one little boy's brutally honest opening line in his letter:
Dear Santa, 
I have been bad this year but...

1 comment:

  1. Ah, I know, right? I seldom cried growing up, but now I seem to be making up for lost tears. I will cry at nothing, and everything. Bigger feet and weepiness: thanks, multiple pregnancies!


Just like mama said... If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.