Saturday, September 1, 2012

Sad, sad day

Wesley and I got home from a high school football game last night and Loopie was in a shy mood.  We could tell that something was wrong, but of course she wouldn't tell us.  We were pretty sure that she had just found some mineral bags and torn into them like usual, but I didn't feel like finding the mess and cleaning it up last night.  I kicked both of the girls out to their pen at bedtime and didn't think anything more of it. 

This morning, Loopie was still out of sorts.  She kept hiding under things and staying very close to me at all times.  Very peculiar.  I thought that maybe she had a tick the size of Texas on her that could be causing her so much distress.  After feeling around on her legs and belly I found that she had a 4-5 inch gash across her poor little tummy.  I'm a sucky dog pseudo-parent.  And I wish it had been something simple like a tick instead.  I still can't get a strait answer out of Loopie or Laurie on how this happened, but I'm guessing it had something to do with a nasty game of Truth or Dare. 

Long story short, a phone call to our vet got me loaded up with all the supplies and goodies I needed to stitch her back together.  There was a quick little 60 mile round trip to pick everything up and then we preceeded to perform our minor little patch up job on the kitchen floor.  (Don't freak out, it wasn't near the food prep areas, and it WAS on the floor.) 

So now I sit here typing and just waiting on my patient to wake up.  Although we don't have a proper, padded room for her to recover in, Loopie is resting comfortably on her denim pillow.  (Sidenote: Everything I have ever known has been in terms of animals, and then I have to make the connection of how it relates to humans.  I remember asking my mother if she had to recover after her surgery in a padded room.  She was not impressed.  More impressed; however, than when I was little and asked her what she did with her afterbirth and I hoped she wasn't like a cow.  That's another story for another day though...) 


  1. For crying out loud, Anna. First, you title the post "Sad, Sad Day," then you proceed to tell about how "off" Loopie seemed, leading me to the logical conclusion that, "Oh my goodness, LOOPIE DIED."

    So while I'm sorry she got hurt, I'm really just glad she's still alive.

  2. Now that I look at it from your perspective, I can see the logical conclusion. Please forgive me and remember that my mind does not always process things in a logical, orderly fashion. My apologies! And when the REAL sad, sad day comes that Loopie is no longer with us, I'll pack my bags and head to the looney bin. We're just that close.

    Also, I just read your latest blog post and managed to laugh so hard that the entire office came to check in on me. Whoops!


Just like mama said... If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.