Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Patient Update

No worries, folks.  Loop's minor surgery set her back for a whopping 2.5 hours.  Her stitches look good (go me!) and I'll take them out in about 2 weeks.  AND, we saved a ton of money by stitching her ourselves!  Before you read that last sentence and go postal on my frugal nature, please believe me when I say that I felt competent in my capabilities and if it had been something really major I would in fact spend the money to heal my beloved bestie.  Pretty sure I ruffled some feathers on that last comment. 

On a sidenote, my poor mother.  I wonder what goes through her head sometimes when I call.  Like when I lived in east Texas and she got a random call, "Hey, Mom, how do you know if you have a concussion?" 

Or last Saturday as I was prepping for Loopie's stitch-up job.  "Hey, Mom, do you know where I could find some hemostats?" (A tool used in surgery procedures.)

Her response is almost never varies. ".....sigh...... Um, why?...."

"No reason, just curious."

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Just like mama said... If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.