Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The Porch

Crazy, I'm posting on here two days in a row, right?!  Don't worry, its just that my in-laws are out of town and I have to come to their place to feed their cats, so I might as well play on the computer while I'm here too.  Please don't come to actually expect anything like this out of me on a regular basis.  Also, I'm feeling warm and fuzzy today.  Again, please don't expect this from me on a regular basis. 

I've come to the conclusion that few things in life make you feel totally blessed and at peace with the world like a porch does.  Wesley and I just got one put on our house and I've been trying to stain all the boards on it.  Landscaping will come someday, but don't hold your breath. 

In the few short days since it has been completed, I feel a peace come over me every time I'm on it.  I get to have my coffee there in the mornings, a glass of wine at night, and I get to watch the dogs wallow in the dirty water from the tire tracks that have been cut through our yard from the cement truck.  That part really isn't that peaceful.  The dogs (mostly Laurie) wallow around like hogs and then run up to the porch, in which case I make a beeline for the nearest door into the house before they can shake the excess water off themselves and onto me.  I swear I can hear them laugh when they do it.

Wesley drives by the house ump-teen times a day and since the porch has been completed it seems like he takes the time to stop in more often and sit for just a minute.  Him taking a minute makes my day :)

This was taken last night as a monster storm was starting to roll in.

....... And this concludes the warm and fuzzy moment of the day. I hope everyone else gets to enjoy their peaceful place just as much!

1 comment:

  1. Love your blog. Only real women put bullets in their bathrobe pockets.


Just like mama said... If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.