Thursday, June 23, 2011


Recently, I had a momentary lapse in judgement.  Bigger than normal. 
I decided to paint fence:
a) on a windy day
b) in a bikini top and shorts - in my defense, it was a little traveled road and I wanted to work on a tan
c) with a puppy

You might say it was a trifecta of bad decisions in a very rapid succession.  Not one of my finest moments, let me tell you. 

How did it all end you might ask?  I stood in the middle of the shower while Wesley very patiently took a cotton ball, dipped in turpentine, and rubbed it over all the pretty little silver dots scattered across my body.  I then had to scrub the tub top to bottom (so if you're keeping up with this, I now smelled like turpentine AND bleach) and then take another shower.  Thankfully, the weather was cool for the next few days and I could justify wearing long sleeved shirts in public.  Ohhhhhh, every time I think I may be making a smooth transition into adulthood.... I take one step forward and two giant leaps backward.

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Just like mama said... If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.