Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Peace offering

I have written before about the girls providing a 'peace offering' after doing something that they know is wrong. 

Example: Moving Wesley's work boots from their place near the back door in the shop to somewhere out in the yard.  Big no-no. 

Laurie knew that she had screwed up the other morning and obviously tried her hardest to make it up to Wesley. 

This has got to be one of the biggest, best peace offerings in the history of mankind. 

That's right, she dug through the dead pile until she found the longest legbone possible.  The poor dear was so proud of herself. 

And Wesley forgave her. 

The End.


  1. I'm both laughing and marveling over the fact that you have a "dead pile" in your yard.

  2. To be fair, the dead pile isn't innnnn our yard, it's in the corner of the pasture that surrounds our house on three sides. The girls have created a 'mini dead pile' in the yard though. Perhaps I'll have to take a picture and write a post about what I have to remove from our grass before I mow. Riveting stuff, I know!


Just like mama said... If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.