Friday, April 6, 2012

Dear Verizon

Dear Verizon,

I have mixed feelings about my new phone and its capabilities.  I do not remember filling out any sort of questionnaire indicating my preferences towards a phone with rather crude vocabulary.  Please don't get me wrong I enjoy utilizing the "Task Manager" application.  However, when I speak into my phone "write email about mileage" and it pops up on the screen "write email about my b!tch" I get a bit concerned that perhaps this phone knows me and my often tourette-filled vocabulary a little too well. 

Please turn off any sort of recording or data collecting programs on my phone immediately.  Thank you in advance for your cooperation. 


Well, you already know who since you are stalking me. 

1 comment:

  1. I just read down through a few of your posts and laughed my ass off. I completely randomly googled "Ranchers Wife Blog" just to see what would come up - and it brought me here.

    You're hilarious. I love it.


Just like mama said... If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.