Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Photo Dump

That doesn't sound very nice, now does it?  Photo DUMP?  That's the sort of thing that would make my grandmas cringe.  

My apologies.  Please clutch your pearls and prepare yourselves for a photos OVERLOAD instead of an unseemly DUMP.  

This kiddo has learned how fun a slide can be (thanks HF) and now makes a beeline for the swingset each time the door opens more than an inch.  I love to see her face each time she says 'READY, SET, GOOOOOOOOOO'. 

Good babysitters are hard to find and this will one day be it's own blog post - but today I'll give you the abridged version and just tell you to find a 4-Her.  It's as simple as that.  4-H kids make amazing babysitters 99% of the time.  We've been fortunate to have some of the best girls love our babies.  

Did I mention that Reese loves the slide?  Just to be clear - REESE LOVES THE SLIDE.

Can I get some feedback from other rural mamas please?  Is this a real thing, the tortuous game of timing before church?  Yes, I got the babies ready and now it is time to do my own hair and makeup (hardy har har) but do I let them go outside and enjoy the most perfect day ever, or do I turn on a blasted cartoon so they sit still in front of the television?  In my experience, it is a no win situation.  My thanks to everyone at church that puts up with our dirty little hot mess of a family. 

A teacher gave us a mere stick this spring that we all assumed was dead.  We planted it and it has thrived and given us the most beautiful rose of sharon blooms I've ever seen.  It's been one of the great highlights of our flower beds this year. 

My little tag along dominates the majority of my photos these days it seems.  She's the slowest moving of the pack and thus I can capture more photos of her.  

Kenyon had one evening football game and it was MAJOR.  Lights on the field and everything.  It is fun to see him grow and experience these fun, new things. 

Like I said, this chick dominates my photo feed these days...

The boys and I have some quality bonding time each morning while we wait for the bus.  We live in the most beautiful place on earth and therefore get to witness some of the most beautiful sunrises each day.  It's a rough life, but someone's got to do it....

The kids are so good at cramming into a feed pickup and tagging along for whatever adventures we're sent on by their dad.  Thank goodness Reese's behind fits into the pickup console perfectly. 

Dear school: please excuse my children for being late to school.  They were shipping cattle with their great grandpa.  

Great Grandpa: Hey! Crawl into the cage on this lift and I'll see how high and far I can lift you! 

It's been a whirlwind of a September, but looking back it has been pretty good for us.  

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Just like mama said... If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.