Tuesday, January 5, 2016

A List

  • Do you ever have an extended period of time when both of your sick children are napping (and not napping on your chest)?  I am experiencing this phenomenon currently and I feel rather euphoric.  So giddy, in fact, that I almost felt like raising my hands in the air, doing a little dance and whooping it up.  I then remembered that I am not a Southern Baptist; I am a Lutheran.  Therefore I will continue to type quietly with a slight grin of contentment on my face.  This is how we express extreme joy.  This is most certainly true.  (If you are a Lutheran you are dying with laughter by now.  Or quietly chuckling with a slight grin on your face.  If you are not a Lutheran you don't really 'get it' but feel like some sort of inside joke just occurred.  You also are trying to go with the flow so you are chuckling with a slight grin on your face to act like you got it.  Either way I win.)  
  • To follow through on one of my resolutions to clean and organize more, I've been trying to Kon Mari the crap out of my house.  You can take this to mean two things: 
    • I've been trying to Kon Mari the crap (clutter, papers, trash, empty diaper boxes) out of my house.
    • I've been trying to Kon Mari the HECK out of my house.  As in, clean, organize, vaccum and bleach everything in sight. Both of these interpretations are correct. 
  • By now you are asking yourself, what is Kon Mari?  Good question. Urban Dictionary defines it as: to follow the process outlined in the book "The Magical Art of Tidying Up" by Marie Kondo.  And we all know that the urban dictionary never lies.  (Don't judge, it was the first one to appear on my google search list.)  I never researched much into the origins of Kon Mari or why people feel compelled to switch her name and the title of her cleaning methods, but I found a lady on Instagram during one of my 4 am feedings and she was always taking pictures of her clean closets and clean counter tops and ranting and raving about how Kon Mari changed her life.  So there you have it.  
  • I had forgotten how long the winter can be with a new baby.  Last year, Kenyon and I played outside constantly regardless of the weather.  Poor baby John has put quite the crimp in our style this year.  Kenyon still gets to go outside and feed cattle with his dad, but there are many days when I am climbing up the walls.  Cabin fever is real, my friends.  Pray for me!

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Just like mama said... If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.