Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Breakfast for Supper

Growing up, every once in a while we'd go crazy and have 'Breakfast' for supper at night.  Pancakes, sausage, eggs.... we were wild like that.  Wesley's family did that too.  Maybe its what lots of folks with little kids do just to shake things up in their own feeble attempts to be cool.  I dunno.  This is totally not my point.  Breakfast for supper just became something special over the years, a real treat to help brighten up a week.

We've been busy around our place.  Wes has been getting up and leaving before 6 each morning to start his feeding in the dark and get a jump start on the day.  Kenyon and I have been spending our evenings at the j-o-b and not getting home till at least nine in the evenings when W is asleep in his recliner.  Not so great for a 6 month old, fyi.  Although I think the kid is going to have some mad parliamentary procedure skills when he grows up.  Again, totally not my point. 

Wes and I talk on the phone each morning and evening as I'm driving, and he's seen baby K some this week.  Some means that he's seen him 1 hour total since 8pm Sunday evening.

It is Wednesday and we're all starting to feel wiped out.  We're getting so good at trying to make a living that we're starting to forget to live our lives.  My 82 year old friend Clint looked at me cross-eyed this morning when I explained our situation to him.  (He jokingly said, "Don't you ever talk to your husband?"  To which I replied, "Of course.  Every day on the phone because we really haven't seen each other since Sunday.")  He very bluntly told me that I needed to get my priorities straight. 

So tonight we're going crazy.  Wes, Kenyon and I are all planning on being home this evening.  We're all going to kick our feet up and relax (and do 1,000 loads of laundry).

We will be having breakfast for supper. 

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Just like mama said... If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.