Monday, May 20, 2013

Words of Wisdom

 Things to never say to your pregnant wife:

-How do you keep your belly from burning on the stove?

-You look like the blower on a silage cutter the way you shovel chips into your mouth.

-Definitely not gaunt.  Definitely.

-So, what did you eat for dinner today?  (Waits for my answer.)  Was that morning dinner, dinner dinner, or mid-afternoon dinner?

**I must put this disclaimer in.  Wesley says a million nice things to me every day.  These are just the funny ones that I can actually remember for short periods of time.  He is NOT a mean person, just hilarious!  (And yes, I laugh at this stuff too.) 


  1. I had a friend who once burnt her pregnant belly quite badly by tipping a stock pot full of boiling water and potatoes toward her instead of away when trying to pour it all into a colander. The boiling water poured all over her belly. She showed me the burns. I still have nightmares.

    The moral of this story? I don't know. Always tip the stock pot away from your pregnant belly, I guess.

  2. At least he hasn't offered to call the vet out and run u through the shoot for your check up.

  3. Kristy - EEEEEK! Please feel free not to share any more horror stories with me. Although I do appreciate the moral of the story.

    BJ - Those jokes have happened since day one. I'm getting really good with my selective hearing skills.


Just like mama said... If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.