Thursday, March 14, 2013


Here's my disclaimer: Do not flip out on this post.  I repeat, do not flip out. 

I don't want to hear throngs of people on 20/20 someday soon saying, "I saw warning signs, blah, blah, blah..."  Nothing like that. 

I just know that sometimes getting things off your chest feels good, and I often feel refreshed after airing my feelings and stories on here. 

How many horrible, awful, no-good, very bad days can one person have in a row before things turn around? 

There is a limit, a thresh hold on all this, right? 


  1. Of course there is a limit! In my particular case I am on day 990. (Excluding today) Which is also 2 yrs 8 months and 15 days. Technically it also adds up to 23,760 hours or 1,425,600 minutes. But who's counting right? I'm still optimistic :-) Have a great day Anna!


    The Lady That Works On The Floor Above Your Sister

  2. Dear LTWOTFAYS,
    Thank you for making my day. And seriously, if you've had 990 no-good, very bad days in a row, start looking for a different job. Or a house farther from town and people. Yeah, go with that one.
    Thanks again,
    One of Karalina's sisters


Just like mama said... If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.